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Speech Sounds

Children develop and perfect more and more speech sounds as they get older. According to the recent research, speech sounds fall into three developmental categories; early sounds (age 2-3) include sounds like 'p', 'k' and 'd', middle sounds (age 4) include sounds like 'v', 's', and 'ch', and late sounds (age 5-6) include sounds like 'r' and 'th'. If your child is behind in their speech sound development, they may have a speech sound delay or disorder.

Expressive and Receptive Language

Expressive language refers to children's production of language and includes skills like pronoun use, expressive vocabulary and sentence structure use. Receptive language is children's understanding of language and includes skills like following directions and understanding different types of questions. There are developmental norms for expressive and receptive language, just as there are for speech sounds.

Other Communication Skills

I am committed to helping your child have positive experiences when communicating with everybody in their life. If you don't see your exact concern on this page, please contact me so we can discuss what you have noticed about your child.

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